
Sex Chat With Pappu and Papa Drama Review

Introduce Sex Chat With Pappu and Papa

This five-episode series from Yash Raj Films’ Sex Chat With Pappu and Papa, Y films, provides a humorous yet straightforward explanation of topics related to masturbation, condoms, pregnancy and homosexuality for kids aged 6-14. A great way to start having “The Talk”.

It’s an engaging, lighthearted series without preachiness; Jerry and Damian don’t come off as perfect characters, making them more relatable.

What to Expect

Launched by Y films – the youth branch of Yashraj Films – this five-part series explores an aspect of sexuality each episode: masturbation, condoms, pregnancy, menstruation and homosexuality are just a few.

The show seeks to demystify sexuality for young children in an honest and entertaining way, drawing positive reviews from viewers as well as medical experts. It represents an initiative to promote sex education among youngsters as well as prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Kabir Sajid and Anand Tiwari make an outstanding duo; their father-son bonding is captured beautifully. The dialogue is straightforward yet profound, which all actors deliver with ease; light humour has the ability to change perceptions without becoming graphic or offensive, and topics covered without becoming too graphic for viewers – the only downside being the short duration of this series; however, its final episode on homosexuality was particularly effective at shattering taboos! Don’t miss this one – definitely worth watching!


Though a fictional series, YouTube Indian mini-series successfully conveys its message without trying to be scary for its audience. Covering masturbation, pregnancy, condoms, periods and homosexuality without including graphic details or trying to scare them off is impressive feat indeed!

Anand Tiwari stars as Papa while Kabir Sajid portrays Punit or Pappu in this engaging show that takes an honest approach to provide information across various sex/sexuality-related topics, with plenty of laughs and humorous anecdotes along the way.

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Anand Tiwari shines in this show as Kabir Sajid; their chemistry together is simply sublime. Additionally, Sanjeeda Sheikh, Sachin Pilgaonkar, and Alka Amin round out an exceptional supporting cast that includes Ashish Patil’s direction – an experienced TV director himself! Ashish Patil directs many commercials and shows himself, so this debut episode of his series should draw in even greater audiences in time.


As most schools don’t provide sexuality education, Y films’ five-part fictional web series seeks to dispel myths surrounding sexuality among children, teenagers and adults alike. Launched by them this July and starring Anand Tiwari alongside child artist Kabir Sajid of Sanjeeda Shaikh and Alka Amin, and director Ashish Patil who heads Y-Films respectively; Ashish Patil made his directorial debut through this production as well.

Sex Chat With Pappu and Papa tells the tale of seven-year-old Pappu, who asks his dad all sorts of outrageous and awkward questions about masturbation, condoms, pregnancy, periods and homosexuality. Each episode covers such topics as masturbation, condoms pregnancy periods and homosexuality – making Sex Chat an entertaining read!


This series produced by Y Films (Yash Raj Films’ youth division) does a fantastic job of explaining some complex concepts that kids and parents may find hard to grasp. Each episode covers topics like masturbation, menstrual periods, condoms and homosexuality with discussions conducted in an honest yet heartfelt manner featuring plenty of laughter and smiles.

Beginning of Episode One

In their second episode, Faisal Khan from Durex India and TV heartthrob Urvashi Rautela appear as special guests to discuss the benefits of using condoms and dispel myths regarding them as “condom candy.” They discuss these benefits while dispelling misconceptions regarding them as an unnecessary expense.

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